What Does Your Customer Want?

What do you do, offer, or sell? This description and the header above should simply and clearly answer these two questions: 1. What do you do? 2. How does it make my life better?

Results Your Customer Wants

Results Your Customer Wants

Results Your Customer Wants

What is the Main Problem Your Customer is Experiencing?

Specific example of the problem that includes emotions

Specific example of the problem that includes emotions

Specific example of the problem that includes emotions

Specific example of the problem that includes emotions

Specific example of the problem that includes emotions

Specific example of the problem that includes emotions

We Believe that You Deserve...

Why should people buy from you?

We understand your problem because... You can trust us because...

Trusted by...

How does your product/service solve your customer's problem?

Briefly describe how your product or service solves your customer's problem. This is where you can describe what it is.

For example, if you sell an online course, this is where you could describe what the course is about.

Are your customers going to learn how to hold their breath for three minutes? Who are the instructors?

This is not a place for you to put pricing or what’s included in their purchase or subscription. That comes later.

Think of an iPhone: it’s a phone with a fancy camera. This section is to talk about the fancy camera and features.

You’ll get to reveal the price and what’s in the box later. Not here.

3 simple steps to [solve your customer's problem]

Tell your customers how easy it is to do business with you.

1. What action do you want your customer to take?

Short description of this step that focuses on the benefits or success it brings your customer.

2. What will your customer receive or experience?

Short description of this step that focuses on the benefits or success it brings your customer.

3. What results are your customers hoping for?

Short description of this step that focuses on the benefits or success it brings your customer.

"Our Promise to You" or "Our Guarantee"

Tell your customers about your promise, guarantee, or differentiators.

Promise 1

Short description of this item that focuses on the benefits or success it brings your customer.

Promise 2

Short description of this item that focuses on the benefits or success it brings your customer.

Promise 3

Short description of this item that focuses on the benefits or success it brings your customer.

Promise 4

Short description of this item that focuses on the benefits or success it brings your customer.

How will your customers' lives change?

Before: What are your customers' lives like now?

After: What will your customers' lives be like after they buy your product/service?



- Happy Customer

What you get

This is a clear description of what people get when they buy

• This is essentially, “what’s in the box,” for your product or service.

• It’s also good to mix in positive results your customers will experience, especially if you include some good emotions.

• Bullet points are fine

• Then wrap up with a call to action, like this:

You get all this, plus the confidence you’re living your best life when you purchase PRODUCT today!

What action do you want your customers to take?

Unable to find form

Free Download/Training

Offering something for free is a great way to get your potential customers’ email addresses! Include a catchy title and a description that makes people want to download it to learn more.

Contact Info








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What action do you want your customers to take?

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